Tuesday, June 28, 2011


GOOD NEWS BOOKWORMS! Today Thesharingsheriff team has acquired another batch of stocks. As such, we are lowering our prices to a new low.

SGD$2.00 for reading books with us! Isn't that low?

Imagine reading the latest book at the price of SGD$2.00! Plus after reading it, you can return to us for us to share with other readers out there. Of course, you are free to keep the book if you like it.

In summary, the transaction is very simple:
  1. Browse and select your favorite reads
  2. Email us to check if we have available stock
  3. Transfer the amount as indicated in our reply email.
  4. Finish reading it in 2 weeks and send it back to us.
  5. Thesharingsheriff team will then return the refund as agreed.
For more information, pls read our Transaction and Payments and Scheduled meeting points.

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